NCD Contdown 2030 in the News
Read the coverage of our work in the media
- Agence France Presse - World 'Falling Behind' On Goal To Cut Chronic Disease Deaths
- Press Association - Countries falling behind commitment to tackle premature chronic disease deaths
- Le Figaro - Le monde en retard sur ses objectifs pour reduire les maladies non transmissibles, selon l'OMS
- Indian Express - Many countries falling behind on commitments to reduce premature mortality from NCDs: The Lancet
- Times of India - World 'falling behind' on goal to cut chronic disease deaths
- The Guardian - Global push to cut deaths from cancer and heart disease wildly off course
- Daily Mirror - Brits 'more likely to die early'
- Business Day - Most nations will miss UN target on chronic diseases
- Euronews - Where in Europe are you most likely to die before 70?
- The Journal - Where does Ireland rank when it comes to deaths caused by cancer, heart disease and lung disease?
- I News - UK ‘to fall short’ of UN target
- RTE - Most nations likely to fail UN targets over chronic disease
- The Indian Express - India unlikely to achieve target to reduce deaths due to NDCs
- ITV News - UK likely to fall short of UN target for reducing premature deaths from chronic disease
- The Daily Mail - Death map of the world
- Mail Online - Thousands of British women are dying too young because they 'try to drink, eat and smoke like men'
- BMJ - Risk of premature death from chronic conditions higher in UK than many other rich countries
- AJMC - US Women Have Higher Risk of Dying Prematurely
- Devex - At NCD summit, a push to address ignored disease burden
- Agence France Presse - Most nations to miss UN target on chronic diseases
- CNN - Globally, losing the fight against cancer and other chronic diseases
- The Sun - Brits have a higher risk of dying early from cancer and heart disease
- The Week - The four diseases responsible for majority of human deaths
- IFL Science - These Are The Countries Where You Are Most Likely To Die Prematurely
- Hippocratic Post - Global analysis of deaths from chronic diseases
- Health 24 - Chronic diseases cause 70% of deaths worldwide